Monday, June 22, 2009

Michelle Obama Stole my Thunder

Dear Readers:

I did write the following before I learn that Michelle Obama had been here to kick off the Administration's "United We Serve" project. I am not jumping on her bandwagon; I think we arrived there at the same time. But here is what I had to say.

I was musing yesterday that we are exceptionally blessed to live in this country. Even if we have lost a job, suffered foreclosure, and must eat at the local soup kitchen, we are still better off than 98% of the world. Why? You might ask. Because we live where we can "pick our self up, dust our self off, and start all over again."

We have the freedom to complain that our government isn't doing enough - or for some - that it is doing too much. We need not worry that some Gestapo type is going to drag us out of our beds at night and confine us in a cell somewhere.

We can have virtually anything we want if we are willing to work for it. Yes, our economy is sick. But it is as if we have the flu and the person in the next room has terminal cancer. Yes, we moan and groan. Some say that Americans are whiners. But kick us in the butt and get our attention, we will pick up our tools and go to work.

Volunteerism is on the rise. Best of all, we can put it to work in our own neighborhood. Is there a widow in the neighborhood who needs help maintaining her property? Or perhaps there is an older gentleman who has no family near by and would appreciate a visit? Is there a literacy program at a local library that could use your skills to help others learn to read, or the opportunity to help immigrants learn English? Is there an animal rescue facility where you get pleasurable exercise by walking dogs who have been orphaned because the family lost their home and can't take this family pet to live with them in an apartment? Whatever one's interest, there is an opportunity nearby to make someone’s life a little easier or a lot better.

This is a tough recession, but we will come out of it. We are Americans. We are resilient. So as we celebrate our country's independence this 4th of July let us give thanks for the freedoms we enjoy and give back to our community.

But of everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required. - Luke 12:48

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Sharon! Yes, we have it rough right now - and it could get worse. The good news is as you said, each of us can "make someone's life...a lot better." Because I believe that, I am a community volunteer.
