Sunday, November 8, 2009

Go Ducks!

I am sitting next to a large window in Panera’s enjoying my Sunday coffee and reading my Kindle. The weather outside is chilly but very sunny and I enjoy looking up and seeing the bright unoccupied patio area.

As I glance up this November morning, I see a very large charter bus pull into the parking lot. This is not a regular sight; in fact I have never seen this before at this location. As passengers begin to leave the bus, I notice that many of them are wearing bright yellow and dark green jackets, shirts, and caps. They are Ducks fans!

The University of Oregon played Stanford yesterday, and these lovely people, obviously diehard fans, had chartered a bus and come down for the game. They were cheerful and smiling, patiently waiting in line for bathroom visits and coffee and chattering away. I inquired of one lady, who passed close enough to speak to, who had won. She smiled ruefully and replied that Stanford had won the game. But she continued in a brighter vein as she said they all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the bright sunny weather immensely.

In the days of Joey Harrington and Justin Peelle the Ducks would have been victorious.

It is really pleasing to see such camaraderie. The passengers varied in age from late thirties early forties to at least one gentleman I judged to be in his eighties. They proudly wore Oregon’s colors and big smiles. Even the bus driver had a smile on his face when he came into the restaurant.

In less than half an hour they were on their way again, up I-680 to Highway 80 to I-505 to Highway 5 and home. While Panera’s is not far off the interstate, tucked away in a small shopping center this watering place was not something the driver found by accident.

While these people touched me in the most fleeting way, their pleasure gave me pleasure and brightened my day. I hope they have a lovely trip home. GO DUCKS!

Live long and prosper!