Thursday, October 6, 2011

Not Wonder Woman!

How disappointing. I have discovered I am not Wonder Woman. I assumed I could come home from the hospital, take a couple of days of R&R and resume my prior lifestyle. Wrong!

I can barely empty my dishwasher. Sweep the floors, vacuum …no way! I can’t even make my bed in the morning. Of course, I never was Martha Stewart, but now I have an excuse to lie around all day. It doesn’t look as if I will be getting back to my clutter fighting project – search and destroy – any time soon.

I looked up Pulmonary Embolism on the internet and learned just how sick I was. None of the doctors or nurses managed to impress on me just how serious my condition was. They were too busy trying to save my life. Probably just as well, I might have died of fright if I had known.

What really impressed me as I read about the condition is that much of the time it is misdiagnosed and the patient dies as a result of not receiving timely intervention. The ER doctor at Kaiser had a preliminary diagnosis of PE in less than an hour. Treatment with blood thinners was started, once the diagnosis was confirmed, only a short time after I arrived. It is true, God sends His angels to protect fools and small children. And we all know I am not a small child.

Thanks to all my friends who have pitched in with food and transportation, it doesn’t appear that I will miss outside events that I am physically capable of attending. I just need to restructure my expectations.

Live long and prosper!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you have angels, Sharon. Take all the time you need to get healthy.

    Author of You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers
